Friday, July 11, 2014


Two weekends ago we started an epic, 9 day trip up Cambodia and into southern Laos.  Since the trip was so long I've divided it into a few different blog postings.  So here's the first:
     Our trip started with an early morning bus ride that got us up into the gorgeous, mountainous province of Mondulkiri by early afternoon.  We stayed at the peaceful Nature Lodge in bungalows surrounded by random cows and horses in our front yards.  We spent the first afternoon we were there relaxing and exploring the area.  The second day was the big attraction in Mondulkiri: elephant riding!
     We got up pretty early and were driven out to a small town where we met up with the Mahoots (elephant riders) who took us on our tour.  We started hiking through bamboo fields and forests to get to some waterfalls where we met up with four elephants!  

     The elephants were so tame and docile (although the male got a bit out of control sometimes) and we had a lot of fun.  We trekked through the woods for two hours, two of us on each elephant.  And let me tell you, as much as I romanticized it in my mind, elephant riding is not comfortable AT ALL!  We were basically riding bareback, sitting on these tiny, thin mats on their backs which is not as fun as it sounds.  I got super scraped up on my legs.  Plus since you have to cling to the elephants pretty tightly your leg muscles get pretty sore.  On top of that, my elephant was particularly spiny and that is NOT comfortable to sit on!  Overall, by the time I got to the second waterfall where we  had lunch, I was in a great deal of pain.  But I was DETERMINED to enjoy myself!! 

Only a lucky few get this intimate with an elephant!

Clearly we were all enjoying ourselves

     At the waterfall we had a lot of fun waterfall jumping.  We also got to bathe the elephants which was all good fun until one of them decided that the river worked as a toilet.  Then it got a little gross.

Elephant bathing: SUCCESS!

     After the bath we got back on our elephants (actually I had to switch to save myself even more pain!) and trekked the two hours back.  Of course it started to rain and the elephants got slippery and the ground got progressively more uneven.  But all that meant was it just became more of an adventure!  And by the time we got to the end I was just in love with my elephant.  

My new BFF and me!

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